Karl Kjer-Transform Your Tank with Stunning Aquarium Backgrounds

Fish tank backgrounds are an often overlooked but important addition to an aquarium or tank. Many people purchase their aquarium, fish, filter and accessories, and are keen to get the set-up complete and see their fish swimming around as soon as possible. Because they are not essential to the survival of the fish, tank backgrounds tend to be overlooked or forgotten in the excitement of the purchase.
But one of the biggest benefits of having an aquarium or tank, rather than a small fish bowl, is that they give you the chance to give the environment some character. The aquarium can provide an eye-catching focal point and create a calming atmosphere, particularly when lit up at night. To make the most of this, it makes sense to invest in a quality aquarium background.

High quality 3D fish tank backgrounds are an affordable way to transform a tank. They enhance not only the surroundings for the fish, but the appearance of your room as a whole. They even have unique health benefits for your fish.

Some aquarium backgrounds are designed to reflect genuine underwater seascapes, based on beautiful thriving habitats such as the coral reefs of the Galapagos Islands. The backgrounds come in a choice of styles and sizes. Even if you can't find one with the exact dimensions to fit your fish tank, fear not; the backgrounds can be easily cut to size with nothing more than a pair of household scissors.

Of course, any aquarium background is going to give your fish something to look at beyond the usual rock-pebbles-reflection routine, and, as far you're concerned, will add exotic ambience to any room. But a 3D aquarium background offers a whole lot more than mere decoration. Suitable for cold, tropical or marine fish, 3D fish tank backgrounds have a reticulated open cell foam which is hand carved and decorated with pumice stone and plastic, life-like plants. The foam is used to provide a better water quality in the tank; it allows the water to move through it, circulating the natural thermoclines (hot and cold water) in the aquarium. In addition to this, 3D aquarium backgrounds collect healthy bacteria on their protruding surfaces. Your fish need to discard old scales periodically in order to remain healthy. To this end, they can rub against the rough surface of the backgrounds and thus maintain their streamlined form.

Fish tank backgrounds are easily installed with an aquarium-safe sealant, available from fish tank background suppliers. They can be fixed when purchasing a new tank or at any time; the monthly clean out of the tank is an excellent time to do it. Your fish will enjoy a healthier environment and your aquarium, and entire room, will be transformed by this simple addition.

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