Karl Kjer-Biology Gives You a Brain, Life turns it Into Mind

Karl Kjer famous science writer and award winning professor utilize his knowledge for the welfare of science students. He provides quality articles of important topics of biology science.

Some kids choose it as a career and some kids diverse their fields. Out of the kids who choose it as a career, some of them choose to a biologist like me (Karl Kjer). Now biologist is a much generalized term and it can include anything from the living world! Biologist is also called as biological scientist. These scientists study all the living organisms and the field of microbiology is also a part of biological study. Coming to clinical biology, this field is derived from our very own known field of pathology and a biologist can either be a doctor in medicine or even a pharmacist can be a clinical biologist. However, this is something not very commonly known. But if we go as per the research, clinical biology is vaster and impactful then our clinical pathology. 

There was a huge gap between biomedical research and clinical practice. It so happened that the biologists practicing outside India, used Indian people as a clinical trial sample for their drug. This was nothing which was not acceptable, hence there were some Indian companies which originated and decided to carry out clinical trials in India itself which led to a sudden growth in research field. These trials are carried out by clinical biologists. These biologists have a keen knowledge and experience in dealing with the controls and samples. Even today, this field is not so vast as compared to other countries that are the reason we can find more of generic companies in India than Innovator Company. Generic companies are those companies which do not carry out clinical trials for their drugs and use the formulation of those companies which have already performed the clinical trials unless they have patented their procedure or product. Generic company changes the procedure here and there and uses it. That is the main reason you will find a significant difference between the same formulation drugs of 2 different companies. The one which is of higher value has undergone all the clinical trials carried out by highly efficient biologists whereas the one with lower price has copied the procedure and there is no need for biologists in such companies hence known as generic company

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